Business Turnaround and Recovery
Sometimes our business performance isn’t where it needs to be, the needles are in the red, and we are going in the wrong direction. Sometimes these performance gaps will ‘work themselves out’, but more often than not they can, and will, cause serious damage to the business unless immediate stabilisation action is brought to bear.
That’s where we come in.
We have a solid track record of slowing, then arresting, performance decline, stabilising the situation, and then helping you to navigate the route back to your targeted levels.
Worry beads and gnawing your finger isn’t a recovery option.
We are.
On joining the business it became clear that a new long term strategy was required to steer the business through a turbulent political and economic environment.
We worked with Davie on developing a strategy that both pointed the business on a route that navigated those challenges but also addressed the wider initiatives of our owning group.
We recognised the need for solid building blocks in areas to improve but with a vision flexible enough to take us through a changing environment.
I’m really pleased to say that our business plan is now routed firmly in c2c and supported by our stakeholders as a step change in the operation of the business.
Davies manner is warm and personable, using his vast corporate experience to draw parallels and help focus the planning sessions.